Dr. Fixit - Unicem 3.1
Dr. Fixit Unicem 31 is a two component acrylic copolymer based flexible cementitious waterproofing systerm
Typical Applications :
oWaterproofing inroof and balconies
o Waterpraof ining for concrete water tank
o Wet areas like showers, bathrooms fioor and walls
o Back coating of natural stone and mineral based cladding
Features :
o Non toxic, suitable for use in potable water tank
o Easy to apply
o Flexible with crack bridging ability
o Protection against carbonation & chlorides
o Excellent adhesion
o Excellent damp proofing for basement and foundation walls
o Seamless, high quality waterproofing performance
o Environmentally friendy
Packaging :
kg - 65.00 AED
20kg - 71.25 AED