Henkel Polygrout EY 3000 (HS)
Polygrout EY 3000 (HS) is a free flowing non shrink solvent free epoxy resin based grout. Polygrout EY 3000 (HS) is a combination of high performance epoxy resins, specially graded aggregates and additives to provide excellent mechanical properties. Polygrout EY 3000 (HS) is used for grouting of machine base plate foundations, anchor bolts.
FIELDS OF APPLICATION – machine base plate grouting – bridge bearing pads – anchoring of crane rails, towers and dock sills – anchoring of bolts and rebars from 15mm - 60mm diameter in concrete, brick work, masonry and rock – installation of reinforced concrete starter bars, foundation bolts and railway tracks – pile head encapsulation to ensure water tightness
Surface preparation Surfaces shall be structurally sound and clean of all contaminants like mould release agent, curing compound, grease, paint and cement laitance. The area shall be dry and free of standing water. Surface cleaning by grit/captive blasting or wire brushing is recommended depending on the degree of contamination. A watertight shutter shall be erected all around the area where Polygrout EY 3000 (HS) shall be poured. Any gaps or openings below the formwork or on joints shall be sealed with a suitable mastic sealant or a rubber seal